Endless Summer Harvest grows microgreens with dedication and passion.
We are committed to bringing you top quality produce that will keep you healthy and make your taste buds sing.

What are microgreens?
Microgreens are the perfect little super food. No more than 14 days old, these little seedlings have just developed their first set of leaves cotyledons. Microgreens are delicately harvested at a time when their nutritional compounds are highly concentrated. Microgreens are 4 to 40 fold more concentrated with nutrients than their mature counterparts. They can be grown from virtually any plant or vegetable.
Are microgreens like sprouts?
Microgreens are similar to sprouts only in size. Sprouts are grown in watery, low light conditions and harvested before the plant has had time to develop any of its unique flavors, colors, or textures. The use of medium and higher light levels create a safer and healthier growing environment for microgreens, so that they are immune from the serious health concerns associated with sprouts.

What is so special about microgreens?
Microgreens pack a lot of punch for their size. Biting into a few shoots of broccoli or mustard will taste like you just bit off a mouthful of the mature plant. The health benefits are impressive for such little plants! These seedlings have remarkedly high levels of vitamins, minerals, and other phytochemicals that the body craves. For example, broccoli microgreens are rich in sulforaphane which may help prevent cancer among internal organs. The same amount of cancer preventing phytonutrients identified in scientific studies and found in 1/12 cups of broccoli can be had in a mere 1 ounce of broccoli microgreens.

How do I use microgreens?
Microgreens are used in salads, as a garnish on meat or fish dishes, soups, and even as a sandwich topping. Some of us even eat them right out of the bag!
For more on Microgreens, and the varieties we grow, see our two blog posts, Lettuce Chat: Microgreens and More Micros.
Pictured from top to bottom: kale micros, a single radish micro, and third, our cucumber micros.