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Lettuce Chat 6/01/2020 Gratitude

Howdy Friends and Fans of ESH! Lettuce Chat today about gratitude. It's a pretty important thing to be thankful and appreciate things and folks around you. It has been shown that gratitude has a positive impact on our lives. Even being thankful for the smallest or simplest things can turn your general outlook to sunnier skies.

For example, our farm fam is quite thankful for Springtime, sunshine, the walk-in refrigerators, Gatorade, warm and waterproof shoes in the winter, and squishy mats to stand on. We are thankful for modern technology that helps us produce the most tasty lettuce anywhere. We are thankful for teens willing to cut their teeth on a character-building job, cleaning gutters and end troughs — a dirty job, and not half as fun as donning the golf ball mascot suit at your local putt-putt, to entertain the kids (my husband's first high school job). We are thankful for those willing to stand for hours on end to do repetitive tasks on a daily basis, until the job gets done. And last but certainly most important, we are thankful for Y'all, our customers. (This list is only farm specific. We are all thankful for so many more things outside of the farm, each and every day.)

The ESH family holds all of our Friends and Fans and Families in deep gratitude. We are so thankful and full of appreciation for all of you. If we haven't said it in a while, lettuce say it now. Thank you! Thank each and every one of you who have come out to the farmers markets, the farm stand, and the restaurants where our lettuce blends are served. Thank you for supporting this small business. It is no small thing to us.

Here is a quote from the Head of Lettuce, herself. "It blows my mind, the loyal fans we have. It is very real that these customers have sustained our farm business. We work hard everyday to ensure our quality and guarantee your satisfaction. I just spoke to a gentleman today at Dupont Circle farmers market. He has bought from us weekly for sixteen years, since his son was born. It is an honor to have grown lettuce worthy of their purchasing (through all of the price increases) our salad greens as their son grew and is still is thriving." -MET

For 20 years now, you have allowed our little lettuce factory to serve your families with nutritious lettuce and greens. You have come out in droves to buy our lettuce. You have stood in the rain, snow, and dead of summer heat to buy our lettuce. You have patiently been graceful with us when we run out of products on a busy day, tried new blends, and when we introduced new salad dressing, you gave it a shot. You make our effort worth every minute of every day.

As I mentioned above, this is ESH's 20th year anniversary. That's no small feat for a small business/farm! This year, as we celebrate this milestone, we do so with hearts full of love and thankfulness, all for you, our Friends and Fans. And because it's all about the lettuce and customers, we will be saying THANK YOU in ESH fashion.

In the weeks and months to come, you can expect to see some neat little happenings on our website and at the farm. As you have already experienced, we updated our website to a new modern look, complete with an online store and a blog. Soon, we will be offering an online-store-only featured item, which will change each week, at a throwback price. There will be a "Featured Item" ribbon and a discount on the chosen product in the store page. You might find little "Easter Eggs" hidden in the pages of the site. But you'll have to come to the website and take a look around to find some of these cool little things.

So again, Thank You. Thank each of you, from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you for hanging out with us and supporting us for so long. Lettuce be on the lookout for those little surprises, and lettuce chat again soon.

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