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Fall Time at the Farm Stand

Writer's picture: Endless Summer StaffEndless Summer Staff

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

Howdy Friends and Fans! It's Fall! It's Sweata Weatha! The leaves are turning colors, those insulated tumblers are now filled with warm bevvies, and I'm wearing my layers and fancy heated vest. Go ahead, laugh a little, it's okay. I still have a little Texas lingering in me (who am I kidding? It's a lot!). So while I'm already all bundled up and bringing my plants in, things at the farm stand are heating up. We have a few announcements to share and housekeeping items to list.

Little Things Farm has been busy recently. Laura is so flipping talented. Not only does she make ESH epic t-shirts, Christmas trees, and does all the things I can't keep track of, she also makes jam. How does a jar of cherry or tart cherry, peach, peach ginger, or peach bourbon ginger jam sound? Scrumptious!! MET and Laura have struck up a deal, so we are welcoming Laura to sell her jam right here in our little farm stand. $10 per jar. (Also, if you know anyone who needs quail eggs and fresh USDA graded and processed pork chops, Laura's your gal.)

Jam by Little Things Farm

Fresh bread Friday is making a comeback, and the timing couldn't be better. Blooms and Baguettes by Joy Flower Farm will be back very soon with all things bread. We can't wait to make your Loudoun Lettuce while whiffing the glorious wafting fresh baked bread smells from the farm stand. I'm happily gaining 5 pounds just thinking about it. But don't think you're just going to rip open a roll and slather on some jam right there. Ooooh, no! We don't have any butter knives on hand, so you'll just have to wait 'til you get in your car! Leyla is warming up her oven now!

Next up, our usual purveyors of eggs have had no extra chicken eggs to make for sale. However, we happen to know the fine folks over at Smith Meadows Farms in Berryville, and they let it slip that they are still producing plenty. Actually, Forest and MET go way back, and they have generously agreed to hook us up. So never fear egg lovers! Smith Meadows Farm to the rescue!! $7 per dozen.

Red Gate Honey remains available at the farm stand. Now available in three sizes: 16oz. jar, 12oz. bear, and 8oz. bear.

Elephant Ears and Cannas peeps, pay attention! It's getting close to time to bring those plants in for the winter. Of course, if your ground won't freeze freeze, you can leave them in place. If you have yours in pots, don't let them become canna-cicles. Pay attention in the next month to the freezing temps please, and protect your investment. They overwinter nicely in the garage.

Please welcome to the ESH family and team Pat, Jimmy, Cathy, and Carolina. We are super fortunate to have these amazing folks join our team, as they bring to us so much love, laughter, and excellent work ethic. If you haven't joined our team, you're missing out!

One last note: the cold snap that hit us a bit back has resulted in earlier-than-usual smaller living lettuce heads. Therefore we will have very few and limited amounts of living heads available at the markets. We will continue romaine bags and might just do another single lettuce bag, but I can't promise anything regarding that yet.

Ok Friends and Fans, that about covers it! Housekeeping - check! Welcomes - check! Jam, bread, honey, eggs - check! Thanks for popping in to read and hang out with us for a moment. We sure do appreciate each and every one of you. Later Gator!

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